Effective hair removal and do not want to hurt the skin, it is best to use warm water wet shaved skin needs suitable temperature not too hot or cold, then add a layer of BB cream for protection, and then coated with shaving cream , gently scrape the fur, then rinse thoroughly be cleaned, thus reducing skin friction burns to calm appease the skin effect.
To develop good habits, shaving often not too often, so as to avoid friction and irritation to the skin, a week 1-2 times on OK, shaving blade is used preferably for once a week, so shaven clean, but also to skin damage is relatively small, so to develop good shaving habits.
Be sure to use cold water after the hair was scraped off, so you can calm, refreshed skin, but can also shrink pores, if the hair shaved after completing have red and itchy when a small wound appeared in the rinse after applying a timely manner mint cream, soothing the skin to reduce skin more harm.
Hair removal using depilatory creams can also be effective Oh, should be used to clean the skin first, and then the hair removal blade coated with milk to hair removal site, thickness just enough to cover the hair, to be 5 to 10 minutes, with a scraper to scrape the last wash, suitable for allergies is not easy and does not damage the skin.
If your hair is 808nm laser hair removal less the amount of tweezers removal it is also a good way Oh, pull the eyebrows with the same hair removal is a completely manual way, first to wash hair removal site, and then forceps hairs ends, then homeopathic a root plucking, pulling after wash with warm water, then cold towel for 3 minutes to calm the skin.