
The number of laser hair removal beautician resolve

Laser hair 808nm diode laser removal is the most popular method of hair removal today is the most effective, many people have reached a complete purpose of hair removal by laser hair removal. At the same time many people have thus been a misunderstanding laser hair removal permanent hair removal can only be done once, in fact, the principle of laser hair removal is laser hair follicle damage the skin layers to achieve the purpose of hair removal, hair growth cycle which means that the impact of laser hair removal .

We divided the hair growth phase: growth, regression and still these three stages, the first stage up to the hair melanin content, the laser is very sensitive to the line and still retire two stages will not affect the laser. Therefore, the need for laser hair removal hair growth period will be will be effective.

In addition, different parts of the body hair growth cycle is different, which determines the different areas for laser hair removal interval is different, as the head of a month, two months or so the body needs to hair removal and other related parts of the hair grow back after before the next hair removal, laser hair removal so each treatment interval of 4-8 weeks. According to the difference between hair removal site, and after 3-5 times, you can achieve permanent hair removal results.

Laser hair removal is a cat can be selective destruction of a gradual process, not once can do permanent hair removal. Soft-ting beautician to remind the beauty of women friends, if you are ready  taibobeauty to have laser hair removal, we must recognize this, and patience to finish the full course Oh, I wish we can have a smooth white smooth skin.

